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In the near future, internet users will no longer sign into an app with a username and password, instead it will be an alpha numeric wallet address. This is the idea of web3. The 'wallet' will actually be an interface to a digital 'onchain' account. By onchain, it means on a blockchain network.

Web3 is the evolution of the internet, backed by blockchain technology.

It focuses on decentralization (not owned by one central authority), proof of ownership (via the blockchain ledger) and digital currency (known also as cryptocurrency).

Right now we're somewhere in between web2 and web3 -- we have the technology, but it's still new and not many people are familiar with it. But it's worth understanding, because it still provides opportunities to those who explore new frontiers.

Web3 in its present iteration has many communities and niches, but the two main ones include:

  • Those with focused interest in cryptocurrencies, tokens, airdrops and the overall storing and trading of them.

  • AND those who collect, create and/or trade digital artwork onchain.

These are the biggest use cases of blockchain technology as of now and they intertwine by nature. Future use cases include the development of multiple digital realities that are simultaneously virtual, 3D, immersive and realistic.

The opportunity for virtual experiences is where the idea of the Metaverse comes from -- a digital playground where you can be with friends and family at the places you enjoy in a 3D immersive way.

  • Get started in web3 by downloading my free WEB3 GUIDE in the STORE

  • Check out my web3 art gallery in the PORTFOLIO

  • FOLLOW me on my socials for more @spiritstem

ps 'noob' is web3 speak for someone new in web3/blockchain tech. Web3, crypto and blockchain all have a communal language that you need to learn. Do that by joining crypto/NFT communities on X /Twitter.

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